For any kind of crushing and pulverizing, leave it to us.
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This website ( is managed and operated by GROW ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. as a means of expressing information.
This page explains some matters which we would like all visitors to be aware of when using this site and also serves as a reference.

■ Copyrights
Copyrights related to content on this website (text, images, figures, edited information, designs, etc.), are attributed to GROW ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter: “The Company”) unless otherwise indicated.
Putting any of this content on other websites or printed materials, reproducing it on CD-ROM or other media, transferring it, selling it, or otherwise using it is prohibited without permission from the copyright holder.

■ Links
If you would like to link to this website, please contact The Company in advance and inform us of the linking site’s main managing organization, the purpose of the link, the URL of the page which will be linking, and other relevant information.
As a general rule, we request that all links point to the top page of this website.
Link requests may be denied in some cases.
[Inquiries related to links]

■ Disclaimer
Although we strive to ensure that all information presented on this website is accurate and current, this is not guaranteed.
In addition, The Company bears no responsibility for any losses, troubles, or other damages resulting from accessing or using this website.
All visitors take full responsibility when using and browsing this website.

■ Security and handling of personal information
All personal information of visitors acquired through this website will be stored with care, and we will make efforts to prevent it from being leaked or otherwise compromised.
For details, please see our Privacy Policy.

■ Contact
For inquiries related to this page, please contact us at


GROW ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. has established the following policy for the handling of customers’ personal information on its website (

■ What is personal information?
Personal information is customer information such as name, address, phone number, and email address which can be used to identify individuals.

■ Which pages ask for this?
We request personal information related to web inquiries, consultations, emails, and other contact.

■ How is personal information used?
The information provided by our customers is used to answer customers and provide requested materials.
In addition, we also modify personal information so that individuals can no longer be identified and use this marketing data solely for the improvement of The Company’s services. This is not used for sales, customer service, or any other purpose.

■ Management and protection of personal information
All information received is stored with care, and we will make efforts to prevent it from being leaked or otherwise compromised.
In addition, with the exception of the situations below, personal information we receive is never disclosed or sold to any third party.
•The user has given permission
•The information is being disclosed within the minimum scope required for outsourced operations by an outsourcee which has signed a non-disclosure agreement with The Company
•Disclosure is required by law or has been requested by a government organization
When disclosing information within the necessary scope for outsourced operations, we also carry out appropriate management and monitoring, such as executing a contract related to the handling of this personal information.

■ Referencing, correction, and deletion of personal information
If The Company receives a request from the applicable individual for referencing, correction, or deletion of their personal information, such requests will be handled within a reasonable time period after the identity of the requester has been confirmed.

■ Revisions and notifications related to this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and revised as necessary.

Copyright (C) GROW ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
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